Monday, December 17, 2007


“Wow man, it’s really good” said Thadu.
“Amazing, literally” shouted Nintu.
These are some comments about the custard I made yesterday. Very difficult to fathom, right?

Let’s wind back.
Two years back, I had tried making the same Brown and Poison Custard, using the same fruit and milk, in the same way how I made it yesterday. But things had gone very wrong that day. My roomy vomited; me and my other roomy went to a short term coma after having it.
My custard story had spread like wild fire the very next day. People who don’t even bother about my friend’s existence were enquiring about his health after my custard. Sometimes people are real bad. They are very happy to make things worse. That day, my roomies forced me to take an oath to quit cooking. I used to think I would never be able to cook properly.

But things that happened after coming to the Garden city were quite contrary. I am the best cook among my roomies here. I cook daal, chicken curry, chicken masala, green peas masala, tomato fry, egg masala, ghee rice, payasam and what not. The list is endless. And moreover everything tastes real good.

Sometimes Life is like that. At some point, we feel that we’ll never be able to do that. But later someday Life itself proves it all wrong.
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